What Is Internet and Role of Internet in Today's Life
Winton Gray Cerf (born June 23, 1943) is an American Internet pioneer and is recognized as one of the "Fathers of the Internet". The main use of internet is information and communication. Internet is a global computer network, which is connected through a network in the whole world.It provides a variety of important information and features to the world using standardized communication protocols. It is connected to millions of computers. Here you get all kinds of information. The Internet is not controlled by any one person, nor is the Internet run by the government. Rather, there are servers of different private companies and organizations inside it.
Through this we can advertise any of our products at reasonable rates. It is also a cheap tool for you to display articles, reports etc. in addition to your products.
Internet has a huge contribution in our modern life because the whole world is revolving around the internet and everything is happing with the internet. It is huge source of knowledge. we learn many things from internet. Internet has become an integral part of today's world, nothing is possible in the world without internet.
Internet is such a modern tool. Which is connected to a network of computers all over the world. Internet is a globally connected network system. Which is used to exchange information or information between one computer to another computer through different types of media using TCP/IP protocol. Using the Internet to send email, video, chat, net surf, pay bills, book tickets, shop, sell and provide information, find and provide jobs, advertise, and reach out directly to your customers. For entertainment etc. Currently, children's education and games to play are also available on the Internet. In this way , the internet has a lot of importance in our life.

We can call the 21st century the century of science and technology because in this generation it has become very easy to do every work due to technology. Almost every work is becoming more advance and faster then in old times.
Internet has a huge contribution in our modern life because the whole world is revolving around the internet and everything is happing with the internet. It is huge source of knowledge. we learn many things from internet. Internet has become an integral part of today's world, nothing is possible in the world without internet.
Internet has covered the whole world in one computer and mobile. For example, nowadays we can see that in schools, collages, banks, offices, railway stations, airport etc. There are all internet facilities and all the works is done online. Like nowadays nothing is offline anymore everything has become online, Like online classes are given in schools and forms are also filled in offices, tickets are booked in airports online, everything has become online. Through the internet .
.As we can see that worldwide services are available through the internet, such as we use the internet to talk about business etc. with other countries, With the help of the internet we can communicate with other countries can do.
.Like we have sent many of our space missions, that too has become possible only with the internet. and it is through internet we are getting all the information from space.
.Nowadays, all the applications, apps are only possible due to the internet. all those apps are running with the service of the internet.
.All the newspapers, magazines and journals of the world are easily available on the internet. Whatever you need information about, type it and that news or journal will be available in front of you.
.Internet is also widely used for entertainment. Films, serials, jokes, computer games, social media from all over the internet
. All the electronic devices that are reducing our phones and computers are also running because of the internet. if the internet stops working on our phone even for one day, then the phone itself has no meaning. because everyone uses their phones for social media because social media is not possible without internet.
.Electronic mails, File transfer protocol, Electronic newspaper, Video conferencing, Online learning, Online shopping, New opportunities are all the result of internet.
In this way we can see that internet is very important in modern life. we can see that nowadays everyone's home is connected with Wi-Fi.