Information About Social Media and it's effect on youth



Social media is digital technology that allows the sharing of ideas and information, including text and visuals, through virtual networks and communities. social media is a platform that connect peoples with each other. It is online connection by internet. A few examples of social media. Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, TikTok, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, YouTube, and Snapchat.


Do you know. who is father of social media. MR Andrew Weinreich is a father of social networking.


In this time peoples are too much educated and smart. they use too much Internet. they want all things will offline rather then online they like. The need for social media arose because we could not easily connect with people far and wide. if there was no social media, there was a great need for social media to connect with people and grow our business. To promote any of our products, we needed social media to spread its awareness to other countries.


As we know that in today's technology filled era, social media has a huge contribution. Like our youth today are much more educated than our elders and they have more advanced knowledge of everything. Nowadays there, is no such youth whose phone does not run social media aps like Instagram, Facebook, etc.

Every person has a profile on social media with which he or she is connected to other people. All the youth share their thoughts, ideas and posts with each other on social media. Nowadays youth do not like to do anything offline, they like to stays online more.
Our youth these days are getting a lot of benefits from social media like.

1. They are getting a lot of information from social media,  they get to know a lot of news about it, like today's youth read more newspapers and work, now they stay online more on social media, so due to this, they get good information from there. Similarly, they get a lot of information from social media.

2. Today's youth is earning money through social media in many ways.

3. Nowadays, Youth is doing most of their business through social media. where they keeps posting advertisements regarding his business. with which people get information about their business and people get connected with them.
4. There is a lot of benefits of social media like we are seeing that these days our farmers protest is going on, similarly our youth posts their posts related to it and they gather at every place where they want to go. As if we want to gather public in protest , they completely takes the help of social media.

5. Like today's youth are no government jobs for them, social media has a huge contribution in our lives, a lot of our youth are earning a lot of money because of social media. As we can see that many of our youth earn lakhs of rupees a day from social media like YouTube, Instagram, Facebook etc. 

Similarly, social media is a great boon for our youth is because of social media that today our youth are having an aware, they are learning good things and many changes are taking place in their lives. because of social media , many of our youth have got employment.

We can see , along with the many benefits of social media, it also has many disadvantages, such as the youth are busy on their phones 24 hours a day, along with this , their eyesight also gets damaged. with using too much phones and social media can lead to mental illnesses as stress increases. Like earlier people used to enjoy the sight of nature but now people spend the whole day on social media on their phones and are busy watching video clips which is a temporary pleasure and people are moving away from nature.

For example, our youth find social media most interesting on their phones, that is why they sit and work with their elders and just roam around with their phones all day long. when the reels and videos which are 18 plus on social media also have a very bad impact on our youth, they act as they see. Many boys and girls create videos by wearing short clothe. seeing such videos has a very bad effect on our other youth, then they also start wearing similar short clothes which has a direct impact on our culture.
In this way there are many good and bad effect of social media on our youth.

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