It is very old saying that Health is Wealth but absolutely true. Health has been defined by WHO as a state of complete physical, internal and social well being and not only free from disease. A person's life become miserable if his mental and physical health tend to deteriorate. One is not able to do any kind of work efficiently and thus become dependent on his family members for whole life.so, fitness is very important.
The word "Fitness" means the state of physical, mental and spiritual health of a person. It probably expresses the ability to improve one's body's organization, physical ability, strength, masculinity, engineering and health.Fitness means physically and mentally fit with good health. It is the ability to perform daily tasks with vigor and alertness, without unnecessary fatigue, and with enough energy to enjoy life.
Physical fitness has five components: (1) body composition, (2) flexibility, (3) muscular strength, (4) muscular endurance, and (5) cardiorespiratory endurance. A well-balanced exercise program should include activities that address all health-related components of fitness.
Exercise or regular physical activity in any form not only helps you burn calories but also improves sleep, boosts self-confidence, improves mental health, and helps you overall while helping you avoid many health problems. Helps in staying active and cheerful during the day. Here are some simply ways, through which a person can eliminate all types of diseases and remain healthy throughout one's life.
1. Stand before the rising sun in the morning for at least 10 minutes. This exercise is very good for innumerable mental and physical ailments.
2. Take deep breath for 5 minutes in the unpolluted in the morning.
3. Jog for at least 10 minutes in your terrace or park daily in the morning.
4. Eat right kind of food that includes fresh fruits, green vegetables, salads, soups, juices, etc. This type of food eliminates all oxins from your body and keeps you hale and hearty.
5. Laughter is one of the best medicines on the earth. Therefore laugh heartily for at least 30 minutes daily. Laughter eliminates rainy diseases like blood pressure problems, cough and cold, asthma ,heart attack, body pains etc.
6. Close your eyes and concentrate in the middle of your eyebrows. Then pray to god daily give you relief from the particular ailment you are sufferings from, prayers would reach the heaven and the blessings would be your own.
In this time people join gym, yoga classes, meditation, etc. A lot of way to stay fit. but in old time , there was no gym and no yoga. there was man and women worked hard like they work in fields together. they worked a heavy weight work in fields and homes. ladies pull water from well it was very hard. in villages ladies mope their houses with hands. in that time there was no more facilities. Every one had work hard in old times. so, there was no need to gym and all that. work hard was their gym at home.
that's why they was all the time fit. on that time lady's deliveries was normal. because they were fit with work. work was their excise. so work and excise is very important to fit our body.
Healthy diet is very important for our health. Apart from the basic need of the body, food has now become a thing that satisfies the mind of people. Some people eat when they are hungry, while others eat just to taste the food. However, amidst all this, if you are asked whether you consume nutritious food, then you may be left wondering for a while. This is a serious topic, so it is important to consider it for better health. Let us know what is good food for health and what are the benefits of healthy food.
green vegetables and beans
Green vegetables contain adequate amounts of proteins, vitamins and minerals. You can consume these green vegetables even if you leave them on alternate days. So this will be very beneficial for your health. Because green vegetables have a different importance in themselves. Let us know what benefits you will get from which vegetable.
poultry products
Milk products like cheese, curd.

spinach - Spinach is the most important vegetable among green leafy vegetables. By consuming it you get relief from problems related to bones and hair. Consuming it keeps your body healthy. The digestive system becomes stronger. Because with this you get iron, calcium and magnesium in sufficient quantity.
Fenugreek vegetable - Fenugreek is used at home by mixing it with vegetables as well as pulses. Parathas are also made from it at many places. It is low calorie. It provides relief from many types of diseases.
Nutrients present in salad- Many green vegetables are used to make salad, which increases its nutritional value. Onion, cucumber, tomato, spinach, radish, broccoli, carrot, lemon, coriander leaves etc. are added to the salad. In this way, the nutritional properties of many things are present in it. It is a treasure trove of vitamins and minerals. It is also rich in fiber. Besides, salad is also rich in protein, calcium, iron, carbohydrate, potassium, zinc and sodium.

Benefits of curd
Health benefits of drinking milk
Protein for Overall Health Protein is a primary component of the human body, and it is essential for the natural growth and repair of musclesStrong bones and teeth
blood pressure
Improves sleep
Good for skin
good for hair
Good info mandeep