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Drug Abuse a Curse to the Society


Drug abuse

Drug Abuse a Curse to the Society

Recent research done by the World Health Organization portray that there are around 1.76 million opium abusers, 750000 heroin addicts and 4.8 million cocaine addicts around the world today. Other than that, there are millions of other drugs in the world and they are increasing in numbers day by day.

Day by day we hear and see about new drugs like 

  • Alcohol
  • Ayahuasca
  • Cannabis (Marijuana/Pot/Weed)
  • Central Nervous System Depressants
  • Cocaine (Coke/Crack)
  • Fentanyl
  • GHB
  • Hallucinogens
  • Heroin
  • Inhalants
  • Ketamine
  • Khat
  • Kratom
  • LSD (Acid)
  • MDMA (Ecstasy/Molly)

The addict, Who takes drugs to get temporary pleasure out of it, tends to mentally and physically depend on the drugs for the entire life and thus their life gets ruined.

The drug addict loses his confidence concentration memory, sanity of mind and judgement power with in a short period of time. they feel their confidence is loose so, They are not able to do any work . They become mentally and physically handicapped as they lose their mental and physical power to do things in a proper power to do things in a proper way.

A drug addict can neither keep his relationships good nor his family well and he also lies to others, so in the same way addiction is a very bad thing which has the effect of very bad habits on the drug addict.


When an addict takes drugs, he does not realize it and becomes a victim of bad habits and commits such cases. Many evils are increasing in our country due to drugs like rape cases, lying, theft, assault and hooliganism.
And like this, the entire society and especially women and children have to suffer the consequences of such bad drug addicts. In many homes, men abuse women by drinking alcohol and taking drugs.
In this way, not only is there a bad effect on the mind of the person who takes drugs, his family and society too have to bear the bad effects. Drugs cause waste of everything, both money and health of our youth.


First of all govt should stop drugs coming from the border. The govt should the rules should be strictly enforced. the drug addicts should be given treatment in the hospitals, so as to repair the dead tissues of their body and eliminate their habit of taking drugs. Government should create awareness among people about drug addiction.
secondly, they should be given good employment opportunities, according to their qualification and experience, so that they are able to stand on their feet once again. Thirdly, they should be imparted the divine Knowledge of God and his creation. They should be taught "Meditation and Yoga" to keep themselves mentally and physically, fit.

In the end i would like to say that our society should be made a drug free society. due to drug abuse, entire houses of the people have become empty. people who had one son each, today no longer have any descendants in their houses. So, i would like that by curbing drugs, our society can be saved and our youth can be saved. 

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